Pday at the Dallas Temple

Ok so I do not have a lot of time! I have like no time actually…. I have 45 minutes… So I will be as fast as possible but just sent your response in a letter or I’ll just get it next week.

So I did get the package with my jacket and thank you!!! The weather has been all over the place lately. One day it rains and is cold, the next day its hot and humid, then it rains again but its still hot. Yea, crazy Texas! haha

And thank you for the giftcards no matter what! Doesn’t matter how much is on them. 🙂 Thank you! And I did get clippers from Walmart and I didn’t get a Texas Flag because they don’t sell them anymore…

I definitely have enough blankets for my bed (especially cuz we can control the temperature of the rooms no matter what). 🙂

Things are ok with H. Kinda annoyed, but hey, that’s what happens when you can’t control who you are with, right? 🙂

And we were all very appreciative of Bro P for taking us to the temple today! It was amazing!

And I love my zone leaders! It was so much fun to go with them! Elder P is Awesome!! And Elder M is super funny! So it was good. 🙂

And A’s baptism was on the 13th, so it wasn’t ours, it was the YSA sisters.


I won’t find out about transfers until the monday before transfers, like always, unless I am called to be training or be a district leaders, then I’ll get a call the week before (which happens to be the week of interviews for my zone…yea we got stuck with the last week for interviews!). And next zone conference will be next transfer sometime. Not sure when. No one knows right now.

And with Spanish, yea… I’m a perfectionist. That’s why. I can say what I want to say and I can understand most things. Like for instance, today when we were leaving the temple, someone who only spoke Spanish called the temple and the temple worker didn’t speak spanish so she asked for help, and I’m like, “I can speak spanish!” So I started talking on the phone and was able to take the message and everything worked itself out. 🙂 And I also went through the veil in Spanish, so yea my Spanish is fine. I just wish I knew more than what I know right now…there is just SO much vocabulary.


Ok now onto what I have written down and my week as fast as possible!!!


So I found out that I can wear my suit vest (ya know, the 3rd piece of my suit that I left at home cuz I didn’t know if I could wear it) if I’m wearing the suit jacket with it, so maybe you could send that for Christmas? Other than that, I haven’t thought of anything….but I’ve had Christmas music stuck in my head for like a week now and I don’t have any of it to listen to!! So… maybe you could make some CD’s and send them to me early 🙂 Or just send all of them to me early!! 🙂 haha


Ok yea I didn’t write down a lot of notes. So now my week!!


So last week Noche de Hogar kinda sucked…and yesterday’s sucked too….no one showed up. But last week Elder N investigators showed up for their baptismal interview. So we were there to be there for that.

Then Tuesday we had Zone Training and that was fun. We actually got a new missionary in our zone too! He is an ASL missionary so his transfers are different than ours (and he actually has a different mission president and everything, his mission covers the whole U.S.). And now I understand how English speaking missionaries feel when we speak Spanish around them, its like how I feel when the ASL missionary signs…….its annoying. But its cool and now I have a better appreciation for my Spanish!

Wednesday was just another normal day of teaching lessons all day long…which is fun but we had nothing to like break up the day. I guess we kinda did. A spoke on H’s tire broke so we had to go get that fixed and so we dropped it off, and then had to pick it up. So kinda?

We had a Family Search (the website) training because Family History is becoming a better way to contact people (if you’re doing English work). So that was cool. And N started our exchange then. So we went on exchange from Thursday evening to Friday evening. N and I taught a lot of lessons which was cool because we like doubled the amount of lessons that we had had already that week! N was all stressed on the exchange though cuz with his recent converts some problems started happening (like one of them hasn’t been confirmed and its been over a month…they just wont come to church) and then the baptism for Saturday was getting complicated. So it was a good exchange (in my area too btw) but kinda not as fun as usual.

Then Friday we had service with Our Daily Bread again, but we left early to go to Friday Forum at the Institute, why? Because President Ames was the one speaking!!! 😀 So we saw the last part of it and then had lunch. We got to talk to him, say hi, have a good time. And then! He sat at our table to eat lunch….and I loved it! 🙂 but Newman got like all serious and nervous around him (because he’s the mission president) but he is just a normal guy!! He’s super cool. 🙂 me cae muy bien! (have Rob or Shane translate). Then we went out and started to work and taught a lot of lessons again. Then we changed back and then night kinda sucked. 😛 Everyone punched on us! (dropped their appointments)

The Saturday was a long day….super long!! But the evening finally came and we went to K’s baptism (N’s investigator). It was still kinda a weird baptism, his sister was suppose to be baptized too, they got there 20 minutes late, it started 35 minutes late, just awkward. 🙂 haha but it was good. 🙂 We also had dinner before the baptism with A and S 🙂 That was awesome and super good! I was stuffed!! 😛 we had those things that are wrapped in the corn husk, the name escapes me right now. So yea, good night!

Then Sunday. No one came to church…. O.o so that wasn’t fun! Then we came home, tried to go see some people, because that night was A’s baptism!! And that was awesome! 🙂 (I like that adjective today, awesome) I sent you a picture of us with A and S at his baptism!

Then yesterday was just weird because it wasn’t pday. We taught some good lessons. Had a cool service opportunity where someone’s tire went flat, pulled into the institute parking lot while we were there, so we helped her out! But a 15 minute changing a tire thing turned into an hour and 15 minute experience. 🙂 haha then we had dinner with a family in the ward, breakfast for dinner! and then Noche de Hogar.

Then today with the Temple!!! It was awesome!!!!!!!:) afterwards we went to the LDS bookstore and I got a cool wooden puzzle with “El Plan de Salvacion” (plan of salvation) that I can use to teach my investigators about the plan! Then we were pressed for time and Brother P wanted to take us out to eat and we were going to go to Chiles, but then I’m like “Why don’t we go somewhere that will be a little faster.” 🙂 ya know, logical suggestion….well we ended up going to this super fancy italian restaurant and that is why I am emailing so late because we didn’t get done with shopping til late cuz we got home late! BUT it was all amazing!!!! So I don’t regret it. 🙂 It just sucks that I’m pressed for time.

So tonight we have a conference with a 70 in Spanish down in Hurst (only spanish speaking missionaries can go) and then we have a mission conference with him tomorrow in the morning! So that’s like all the plans I have!


I love you to the moon and back forever and ever and ever and always!!! I can’t express how much I love y’all!!! And Christmas will be a great day!!!!!


I love you!!!!


Elder Josh Andersen 🙂