New Haircut need for Investigators

ImageJosh is doing great-absolutely loving Texas and so thankful that it is starting to cool off. He rides his bike eveerywhere and is praying for new investigators since the ones they ahvce are having a hard time committing.ImageImage
“So it has been sooooo hard to find them this week. Everyone with a date we haven’t been able to find, or we’ve talked to them like once, so it was a hard week and we found a ton of new people!! πŸ™‚ But yea…. I’m worried for the people we have. OH! And sad thing! SoΒ SaturdayΒ we were going to go see some of our investigators near our apartment and as we were going by these one apartments, we noticed there was a guy passed out drunk with the stereo in his car BLARING and so we went over…and he was one of our investigators that dropped us and rejected our message!! 😦 so….that was sad to see. He has a sad story. His wife left him and took his kids and now he’s all alone trying to find comfort in this other church he attends….and then he rejected our message…. 😦 sad day… maybe someday. “

His eye is twitching from stress-not good but he is handling it and doing well. They were at Ice Cream last week and a member came up and asked if she could take their picture and send to their moms-DUH?! I love those people!!!!!!

Thank you for writing Josh and keeping him and his investigators in your prayers.

8 Months today!!!!


I shall answer your questions first, and then go on to the rest of everything. πŸ™‚


So my week has been good! Today we actually have some awesome plans for pday!!! So remember Elder B long lost uncle? Well I talked to him two Sundays ago about feeding us BBQ. He has been feeding all of the missionaries in our zone but wanted to feed all of us at one time, which isn’t allowed. So, I had the genius idea of making it a pday activity/dinner!!! πŸ˜€ so we are having BBQ as a zone, about 20 missionaries, at 4 today!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ it was funny, Jack would rather feed 20 of us then just a couple at a time. He used to be one of those people who feed hundreds of people at a time, the word has escaped my mind, but yea so he is happy to feed us. πŸ™‚ so that should be fun. And before that we are just hanging out at the stake center.


Have I told you that as a missionary I feel like I “own” the church buildings now?? haha not like really, but like we are Always there so its like a second home. And I know where everything is, we get special keys that unlock secret doors, etc etc. πŸ™‚ haha just kidding about the secret doors.




Explanation with the bulls. πŸ™‚ haha so we did service for a recent convert in our ward, Victor , he is an awesome guy. Anyway, he has bulls on his property that he takes care of! I have videos of me with them (backed up and on the SD card) that I will send eventually…but I only have 1 SD card right now so… But yea we got to play with some good ‘ol fashion Texas Long Horns!!! πŸ˜€




My satchel is working better. I’ve gotten more use to it and actually like it better than a back pack now. πŸ™‚ so… thank you!!! πŸ˜€


C and L are doing good. πŸ™‚ L has a ton of doubts and C is going to stand with his wife through this entire endeavor (which is awesome!!) but until she knows its true he won’t really commit to be baptized either. Which is fine. They said they will be baptized but don’t know when. πŸ™‚ We had an AMAZING lesson with the Porter’s, in the Porter’s home after dinner, on Thursday and they absolutely loved the Plan of Salvation. They just have doubt after doubt after doubt, but we figured out (through the Spirit) that all these doubts are coming up because they haven’t prayed. They just need to pray and then everything will fall into place!!! haha


Dinners we have had pretty much every night. Either something is brought to us or we go to their house or they pick us up or something!


I finally had mole! or however you spell it… sounds like mole-ay. Its the chocolate chicken. Its spicy and interesting. Not sure if I like it. But that’s also probably because hispanics cook EVERYTHING with the bones still in it…and I am not a fan of bones… all.


.We don’t work with the college students really, but any we find we refer to the sisters or elders over the YSA ward if they are interested. Haven’t done much of that lately though cuz we’ve been more busy with the people we have.


And UNT started like last week or two weeks ago. I can’t remember. I just remember one day no one was here and now it is crazy busy all the time!!!


For Elder Andersen on Wednesday we are going to the Colleyville stake center. πŸ™‚ We have to be there by 1:30 and then we’ll hear from him and someone from the presidency of the seventy. So that’ll be awesome!!! And that’ll take up like the entire day until dinner. We won’t have a big lunch or anything cuz there are suppose to be over 560 people there (two missions is a lot of people).


And I have not lost a ton of weight because I don’t have anything to loose and I am fed way too well!!! haha πŸ™‚


We did service this week twice at a soup kitchen called Our Daily Bread! We did it Wednesday and Friday. We washed their dishes and everything while they fed lunch to people. And I love doing service!! But H hates it. We were struggling to get lessons this week because of it. But then on Friday we prayed for help and stuff, and then in 2 hours we taught 5 lessons!!! It was awesome!!!!! We just talked to everyone that we saw and they all listened to us!! πŸ˜€ so that was cool and a little testimony builder with Prayer. πŸ™‚ but yea, so that was fun. πŸ™‚




I love you to the moon and back forever and ever!!! If you didn’t get my letter with the drawing of me in the trenchcoat looking out into the distance, you will get it soon!! πŸ™‚


Love you sooooo much!!!


Elder Josh Andersen πŸ™‚