Josh Loves Service



excerpt from Josh’s latest email

‘So this past week was really weird because I knew that I was being transferred. I just had a feeling, and I also had a feeling like it would be Denton…weird right? But so I didn’t like saying goodbye to people because I didn’t know if I’d see them again. And then doing service was happy/sad because I knew that I wouldn’t have that much time left with my amazing district….
We did service everyday again this week. 🙂 Like we would start service around 10 or 11 every morning and then we would do it until like 5. 🙂 It was fun and good. Except Friday we did service all day because it was emergency service and a guy in G’s ward needed help right then and there was like a time limit and stuff but things all worked out. 
Besides service, that worldwide training was just amazing yesterday!!!!!!! I absolutely loved it and MAN!!! The focus on Member Missionary Work and Member help is really being emphasized now!!! 🙂 So do your part and I’ll do mine. 🙂 Missionaries are only suppose to be there to help, not to find really any more. Lewisville was a hard area with member work because we only have 5 families in our area….but Denton is a ward and pretty small since it’s the bike area so things will definitely be different! And honestly, I’m excited and scared at the same time!!!!! ‘

Goodbye Lewisville-Hello Denton

ImageImageImageSo Elder Andersen is leaving Lewisville on Wednesday and being transferred to Denton. He said they are being ‘pink washed out’ -meaning sister missionaries are coming in and taking their cars. So he will be on a bike in Denton. Its a smaller area than Lewisville was, but it will be challenging with the heat and humidity. 

He is sad to leave his district/zone and the people he has met in Lewisville but that is all part of the mission.

These pictures are courtesy of the awesome Br. P who sends me pictures whenever he sees Josh. The first one is just driving by and then they had them over for dinner last night.


please let me know if you want his new address in Denton